1. SIDE GEAR BACKLASH Adjust the side gear backlash. Rear Differential (T-type) > ASSEMBLY 2. HYPOID DRIVEN GEAR BACKLASH Adjust hypoid driven gear backlash. Rear Differential (T-type) > ASSEMBLY 3. TOOTH CONTACT BETWEEN HYPOID DRIVEN GEAR AND DRIVE PINION Adjust the tooth contact between hypoid driven gear and drive pinion gear. Rear Differential (T-type) > ASSEMBLY 4. TOTAL PRELOAD Adjust the side retainer shim. Rear Differential (T-type) > ASSEMBLY |
List of diagnostic trouble code (dtc) list
DTCItemContent of diagnosisReferenceC1211FRONT RIGHT ABS SENSOR CIRCUITOpen/high input of front ABS wheel speed sensor RH Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) > DTC C1211 FRONT RIGHT ABS SENSOR CIRCUITC1212FRONT RIGHT ABS SENSOR SIGNALFront ABS wheel speed sensor RH signal malfunc ...