1.CHECK INPUT SIGNAL FOR TCM. 1) After driving with warm up condition, park the vehicle while depressing the brake pedal at “N” range. 2) Read the data of «Sec. Sol. Set Current» and «Sec. Sol. Actual Current» using Subaru Select Monitor. | Does the value of «Sec. Sol. Set Current» and «Sec. Sol. Actual Current» almost correspond- | Check for poor contact of connector. | Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) > DTC P0963 PRESSURE CONTROL SOLENOID "A" CONTROL CIRCUIT HIGH |
2.CHECK HARNESS. 1) Turn the ignition switch to OFF. 2) Disconnect the TCM and transmission connectors. 3) Measure the resistance between TCM connector and transmission connectors. Connector & terminal (B54) No. 32 — (B22) No. 5: | Is the resistance less than 1 -- | Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) > DTC P0963 PRESSURE CONTROL SOLENOID "A" CONTROL CIRCUIT HIGH | Repair the open circuit of harness. |
3.CHECK HARNESS. 1) Turn the ignition switch to ON. 2) Measure the voltage between TCM connector and chassis ground. Connector & terminal (B54) No. 32 (+) — Chassis ground (−): | Is the voltage approx. 0 V- | Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) > DTC P0963 PRESSURE CONTROL SOLENOID "A" CONTROL CIRCUIT HIGH | Repair the short circuit of harness. |
4.CHECK SECONDARY SOLENOID. Measure the resistance between transmission connector and transmission body. Connector & terminal (T4) No. 5 — Transmission body: | Is the resistance approx. 5 — 7 -- (when cold) | Check for poor contact of connector, and if no fault is found, replace the TCM. Transmission Control Module (TCM) | Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) > DTC P0963 PRESSURE CONTROL SOLENOID "A" CONTROL CIRCUIT HIGH |
5.CHECK HARNESS INSIDE TRANSMISSION. CAUTION: Start work after ATF cools down. 1) Remove the transmission oil pan. 2) Check for the harness pinch, damage. | Is there any fault in the harness- | Replace the transmission harness. | Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) > DTC P0963 PRESSURE CONTROL SOLENOID "A" CONTROL CIRCUIT HIGH |
6.CHECK HARNESS INSIDE TRANSMISSION. 1) Disconnect the control valve body connector. 2) Turn the ignition switch to ON. 3) Measure the voltage between transmission connector and transmission body. Connector & terminal (T4) No. 5 (+) — Transmission body (−): | Is the voltage approx. 0 V- | Replace the control valve body. Control Valve Body | Replace the transmission harness. |