Subaru Legacy BN/BS (2015-2019) Service Manual: General description
CAUTION:• If the sealing cover - front door gets broken, replace it with a new part.• Apply a uniform bead of butyl tape.• Attach the sealing cover - front door, keeping it from beco ...
1. SPECIAL TOOLILLUSTRATIONTOOL NUMBERDESCRIPTIONREMARKS925610000WRENCHUsed for removing and installing door hinge.2. GENERAL TOOLTOOL NAMEREMARKSSupport jackUsed for supporting door panel.Clip remove ...
Other materials:
Preparation tool
1. SPECIAL TOOLILLUSTRATIONTOOL NUMBERDESCRIPTIONREMARKS — (Newly adopted tool)SUBARU SELECT MONITOR 4Used for setting of each function and troubleshooting for electrical system.NOTE:For detailed operation procedures of Subaru Select Monitor 4, refer to “Application help”.18252AA000CRA ...