1. INSPECT THE SPECIFIED POSITION 1. Measure the specified position of the stop light switch ends. Specified position L: 3.6 mm ±0.4 mm (0.14 in ±0.016 in) 2. Measure the clearance between the end of the stop light switch and the stopper. CAUTION: Be careful not to rotate the stop light switch. Stop light switch clearance A: 1.1 mm (0.03 — 0.04 in)
3. Adjust the position of the stop light switch if the inspection result is not within the standard value. Stop Light Switch > ADJUSTMENT 4. If the stop light switch does not operate properly or it is not secured at the specified position after adjustment, replace with a new part. 2. INSPECT THE RESISTANCE 1. Check the resistance between connector terminals. Preparation tool: Circuit tester
2. Replace the stop light switch if the inspection result is not within the standard value. |
Dtc p062f internal control module eeprom error
DTC DETECTING CONDITION:Detected when two consecutive driving cycles with fault occur.TROUBLE SYMPTOM:TCM EEPROM malfunctionSTEPCHECKYESNO1.CHECK DTC.1) Perform the Clear Memory Mode using the Subaru Select Monitor. Clear Memory Mode2) Read the DTC.Is DTC P062F displayed-Replace the TCM. Transmiss ...