Honda Civic manuals

Subaru Legacy BN/BS (2015-2019) Service Manual: Installation

1. Install the PCV valve to the rocker cover.


Apply liquid gasket to the bolt threads of PCV valve.

Liquid gasket:

THREE BOND 1324 (Part No. 004403042) or equivalent

Tightening torque:

25 N·m (2.5 kgf-m, 18.4 ft-lb)

2. Connect the PCV hose.

3. Install the battery. Battery > INSTALLATION

4. Install the collector cover.

1. PCV VALVE1. Check that the PCV valve has no deformation, cracks or other damages.2. Check that air is discharged from (B) when air is blown into (A).3. Check that air does not come out from (B) whe ...

Purge control solenoid valve

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