CAUTION: • Refer to “CAUTION” of “General Description” before handling the airbag system components. General Description > CAUTION • Do not allow harness and connectors to interfere or get tangled up with other parts. 1. Before installation, inspect the following items and replace any faulty part with a new one. • Airbag module is cracked or deformed. • Harness and/or connector is cracked, deformed or open. • Harness wire is exposed. • The steering wheel is in the way, making it difficult to install the airbag module. • The clearance between the driver’s airbag module and steering wheel is not constant. 2. Install the driver’s airbag module. (1) Connect the airbag connector to the airbag module securely. CAUTION: • Be sure to insert the connector in until it is locked. • Press in the push lock securely. Then pull it gently to make sure that it is locked. (2) Connect the horn harness. (3) Press in the locks (three positions) to install the airbag module. CAUTION: Make sure that the airbag module locks (three positions) are securely locked. 3. Connect the ground terminal to battery sensor. NOTE |
By outgoing calls
On the phone (menu) screen, select the
"Outgoing Calls" key to open the "Outgoing
Calls" screen. You can make a call
by selecting an item in the outgoing call
history list.
If there is no outgoing call history, a
message appears to indicate that there
is no outgoing call history data.