Honda Civic manuals

Subaru Legacy BN/BS (2015-2019) Service Manual: Operation


1. Make an impact monitor setting.

(1) Connect the Subaru Select Monitor to data link connector.


For detailed operation procedures, refer to “Application help”.

(2) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(3) On «Start» display, select «Diagnosis».

(4) On «Vehicle selection» display, input the target vehicle information and select «Confirmed».

(5) On «Main Menu» display, select «Each System».

(6) On «Select System» display, select «Body Control» and then select «Enter».

(7) On «Select Function» display, select «Customize».

(8) From the Customize item list, select «Impact sensor» or «Impact Sensor Setup».

(9) Make an impact monitor setting.

When installing: ON

When removing: OFF

(10) Make an impact monitor ON/OFF setting.

When installing: ON

When removing: OFF

(11) Turn the ignition switch to OFF, and then remove the Subaru Select Monitor.

1. CHECK IMPACT SENSOR1. Pull out the key from the ignition switch, or turn the ignition switch to OFF.2. Close all the windows.3. Close all the doors, trunk lid and rear gate. Leave open the front ho ...

1. Pull out the key from the ignition switch, or turn the ignition switch to OFF.2. Close all the doors, trunk lid and rear gate.3. Press the UNLOCK button of the keyless transmitter or access key.4. ...

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