Honda Civic manuals

Subaru Legacy BN/BS (2015-2019) Service Manual: Front ball joint

1. BUSHING FRONT - FRONT ARM1. Put an alignment mark on the front arm assembly based on the split portion of the bushing intermediate plate of the busing front - front arm.CAUTION:Always put an alignm ...

1. Lift up the vehicle, and then remove the front wheels.2. Remove the ball joint.(1) Extract the cotter pin (a) from the ball stud.(2) Remove the castle nut (b).(3) Extract the ball stud from the fro ...

Other materials:

Preparation tool
1. SPECIAL TOOLILLUSTRATIONTOOL NUMBERDESCRIPTIONREMARKS498497100CRANKSHAFT STOPPERUsed for stopping rotation of the flywheel.499747100CLUTCH DISC GUIDEUsed for installing the clutch disc to the flywheel.2. GENERAL TOOLTOOL NAMEREMARKSCircuit testerUsed for measuring resistance, voltage and current. ...

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