Subaru Legacy BN/BS (2015-2019) Service Manual: Keyless access indoor antenna
NOTE:Make sure that there are no differences from the contents of the current settings after installation. Read Current Data > LIST1. Install the reinforcement - combination meter and keyless access ...
1. FRONT ANTENNA1. Disconnect the ground terminal from the battery sensor, and wait for at least 60 seconds before starting work. NOTE2. Remove the cover assembly - front and the console box assembly ...
Other materials:
Electrical specification
Terminal No.ContentMeasuring conditionStandardA1 ←> Chassis groundIgnition power supplyIgnition switch: ONBattery voltageA2CAN-H (CAN communication line)Measurement load (digital signal) — A3CAN-L (CAN communication line)Measurement load (digital signal) — A4 ←> Chassis groundGroundAlw ...