Honda Civic manuals

Subaru Legacy BN/BS (2015-2019) Service Manual: Engine oil filter

CAUTION:If the engine oil is spilt over exhaust pipe or the under cover, wipe it off with cloth to avoid emission of smoke or causing a fire.1. Park the vehicle on a level surface.2. Remove the oil le ...

1. OIL FILTERCAUTION:If the engine oil is spilt over exhaust pipe or the under cover, wipe it off with cloth to avoid emission of smoke or causing a fire.NOTE:Clean off water or dust from the oil elem ...

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Preparation tool
1. SPECIAL TOOLILLUSTRATIONTOOL NUMBERDESCRIPTIONREMARKS — (Newly adopted tool)SUBARU SELECT MONITOR 4Used for setting of each function and troubleshooting for electrical system.NOTE:For detailed operation procedures of Subaru Select Monitor 4, refer to “Application help”.2. GENERAL TO ...

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