1. OIL FILTER CAUTION: If the engine oil is spilt over exhaust pipe or the under cover, wipe it off with cloth to avoid emission of smoke or causing a fire. NOTE: Clean off water or dust from the oil element mating surface using air. Remove the oil filter using a general tool (65/67 mm 14 Flutes). 2. OIL PUMP UNION 1. Remove the oil filter. Engine Oil Filter > REMOVAL 2. Remove the oil pump union from the chain cover. |
Dtc p013a o2 sensor slow response - rich to lean bank 1 sensor 2
DTC DETECTING CONDITION:Detected when two consecutive driving cycles with fault occur.CAUTION:After servicing or replacing faulty parts, perform Clear Memory Mode Clear Memory Mode > OPERATION, and Inspection Mode Inspection Mode > PROCEDURE.WIRING DIAGRAM:• Engine Electrical System ENGINE T ...