Honda Civic manuals

Subaru Legacy BN/BS (2015-2019) Service Manual: Inspection

1. After installing the oil filter, run the engine and check for oil leakage.


The filter element and filter case are permanently jointed; therefore, interior cleaning is not necessary.

2. Check the engine oil level. Engine Oil > INSPECTION

1. OIL FILTERCAUTION:If the engine oil is spilt over exhaust pipe or the under cover, wipe it off with cloth to avoid emission of smoke or causing a fire.NOTE:Clean off water or dust from the oil elem ...

1. OIL FILTERCAUTION:Do not tighten excessively, or oil may leak.1. Clean the oil filter installing surface on the chain cover.2. Obtain a new oil filter and apply a thin coat of engine oil to the sea ...

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NOTE:• Match the alignment marks, and install the coupling sleeve and then install the shifting insert.• Make sure that there is no large clearance at both sides of the shifting insert after assembly.(A)Shifting insert(B)Synchronizer hub(C)Coupling sleeve(D)There is no large clearance at ...

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